National Library of the Netherlands releases two large datasets

“Beknopte natuurlijke historie der zoogende dieren” By I.D. Pasteur (1793)
Last week, the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) has made two large datasets available. The images, texts and metadata are now available through a dedicated API. Ten thousand Dutch eighteenth century books and almost two centuries of parliament documents are the first datasets in the new service of the KB: dataservices.
In the next months, more datasets will be released, accompanied with comprehensive documentation how the data can and can not be used. They invite the user and developers to find appropiate ways of reusing the data and give a new purpose to it.
Because of the date these documents were published, they are all in the public domain. Now that the National Library makes them easily accessible online, they become truly avaialable for the public. We are looking forward to the upcoming publications of the library.